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Monday, 17 October 2011

Company Contracts

Doctrine of Ultra Vires
v  Previously company was capable of engaging only in those activities for which it had been established which were identified in its objects clause.
v  Ultra vires means going ‘beyond the powers’
v  When a company goes beyond its object clause it is said to be acting ultra vires and therefore the actions were considered to be invalid.
v  Case: Ashbury Railway Carriage & Iron Co v Riche
o   Held: Since construction of railway was not within the objects of Ashbury, contract was UV for company and therefore void. Cannot be enforced against the company.
v  Abolition : s124
o   Company has all the powers of an individual that is a natural person
o   Company can do anything it wants and not limited by its objects clause
o   Company’s legal capacity not affected by the fact that the company’s best interests are not served by doing it – S124(2)
o   S124 does not authorize the company to do acts prohibited by law
o   Company constitution may limit company’s capacity by containing an express restriction or a prohibition of the company’s exercise of any of its powers
o   However the exercise of a power by the company is not invalid merely because contrary to express restriction / prohibition in the company’s constitution – S125(1)
o   Company may state objects of the company- but an act of the company not invalid merely because contrary to or beyond any objects – S125(2)
o   S128(4) – if outsider dealing with company knows or suspects that the company has breached object clause – outsider is not allowed to assume that the company has complied with its objects.

Dealing with Companies
ü  Company can only act through or be represented by individuals
ü  The directing mind and will of the company
o   Common Law: Concept of artificial legal person
§  Companies are regarded as artificial persons
§  However this is a legal myth as companies need to act through human agents
§  Where an agent of the company acts within the power conferred on them by the replaceable rules / constitution of that company, the acts of the agent are treated as if they were the acts of the company.
§  Organic Theory
·         Directors are known as the directing mind and will of the company
·         Only senior management will be considered as such
·         Lennard’s Carrying Co v Asiatic Petroleum

How does a company make a contract?
ü  Common Law Position
o   Can enter into contracts in 2 ways
§  Directly – by affixing the company’s common seal to the contract in accordance to the constitution
·         Company’s capacity to make contract on its own is limited to formal contracts under seal
§  Indirectly – individuals acting as agent on behalf of the company
ü  Statutory Provision
o   Section 126  and 127 -  authority of a company’s agents
§  S126(1) – company’s power to make, vary, ratify or discharge a contract may be exercised by an individual acting with the company’s express or implied authority and on behalf of the company. (indirectly)
§  Can exercise the power without using common seal
§  S127 – contract can be entered by the company itself (directly)
·         If company has common seal can execute a document by affixing its seal to the document and witnesses either by 2 directors or by a director and company secretary
·         Since common seal is optional, can execute document without it but must be signed by 2 directors of the company or 1 director and company secretary.

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